I'm realizing that maybe I haven't explained what the research Tavia and I are doing actually is? So last year, Entusi/GLI partnered with the National Board of Certified Counselors to provide a training for community members in mental health, certifying them as mental health facilitators in their community. Essentially their job is to support people with mental health problems in their community and refer them to Kabale Regional if necessary. GLI was asked to once again host this training, but Jamie (GLI's CEO) first wanted to conduct an evaluation to determine how effective the training actually was, whether or not people have used the knowledge they gained, what challenges they face, and what they would change about the training in the future. Enter Tavia and I. We actually were not aware that we were the primary and sole researchers for this project when we started out, but it has been an interesting and exciting process to figure this all out. And to stop and reflect on the fact that we are actually conducting field work in a rural area of Africa that will hopefully have a deliverable that will be useful and informational, and result in more support for those with mental illness in the rural regions of Kabale. Even in just the last two days, we have walked so many places and met so many people, and they have told us how thankful they are for the Entusi center, and how they hope that we can get more mental health support for their community. So this week we will be conducting interviews with those who were trained in the mental health facilitation program at Entusi last year, as well as fellow community members and leaders. Then next week, we will code and compile the data and hopefully get it into the form of a concise and informational brief that can be utilized to determine the needs of the community and the direction future trainings should take. And on the 29th we will host a party/gathering for all those people who trained at Entusi as a way of sort of wrapping things up. Sorry, I didn't think I was going to be quite this long winded today, but the internet is out and apparently I had a lot to say.
Oh! I got my official Rikuga name last night! (Rikuga is pronounced Ru-Chee-Ga, and is the name of the group of people here and of the language where we are. Although sometimes it sounds like they're saying Lucheega, so we all get confused). I don't know how to spell the name, but it is something like Niakarunge (pronounced nee-ah-kay-rune-gee), and they told me it means "beautiful." I can't really explain the feeling of happiness I felt when they gave me a Rukiga name. And maybe it seems a silly thing to become so excited about. But it's hard not to feel like you're becoming part of a family, part of something bigger when you are here with these people at Entusi.
More vocab: Entusi means eucalyptus. Agande (uh-gone-dee) is a greeting like "hi, how are you?" Nije (nee-jay) is the response meaning "good". Orireje (oh-ree-ray-jay as far as I can tell) means good morning. I'm trying to think of others but those are the only ones coming to mind now. The language is VERY difficult. And people say their names so fast (last names first) that it's often difficult to even grasp a name. But the people have been understanding, and we've had a translator with us these last few days. His name is Brite and I swear he knows everyone within 100 miles.
Okay apparently I could just keep going on and on tonight so I'm going to cut it here. I have some pictures from the day that I will post shortly. Yes, Jeremy, I'll post a picture of the tent we're staying in and some more of Entusi so you can see what it's like!!
It's so nice to hear everyone being accommodating to your visit and research. That canoe sounds terrifying and I'm glad my Sara managed to stay somewhat dry :) What you both are doing is so vital to help these communities- you should be so proud. You'll have to allow me to call you Rikuga moving forward in life because that is adorable and fantastic. I love you!