Uganda and Rwanda

Uganda and Rwanda

Kabale Regional Referral Hospital

Tavia and I went to the regional hospital today to shadow a really amazing doctor. I will write all about it tomorrow but here are some pictures from the day:

Here's me and Tave with Thomas on the way to town:

Dental Clinic:
Waiting in line:

Thursday, who showed us around:

Catherine talking to a little boy and his grandma at the clinic:

Pharmacist in the HIV clinic 

The snack Jacqueline provided:
You have to read this label:
Here's Jacqueline:
The medical records room:
Jacqueline speaking to a group of visiting students:
Pediatric wing:
Family members waiting outside at the public maternity ward:

Dr. Catherine Apio: 


  1. These pictures are beautiful. It's almost as if looking into a picture book rather than a reality. We are so blessed to live in an area that has ridiculous amenities that we just walk by every day. That little baby is adorable and you look stunning as ever.

  2. These pictures are beautiful. It's almost as if looking into a picture book rather than a reality. We are so blessed to live in an area that has ridiculous amenities that we just walk by every day. That little baby is adorable and you look stunning as ever.
